
Showing posts from August, 2018


Radhakamal Mukerjee (1889-1968) is considered a great pioneer in sociology in India. He suggested for the use of comparative methods in the study of social sciences in India. He said: “We must aim at the scientific study of the race and culture origins.” Radhakamal Mukerjee’s contribution to the studies of what is called ‘social ecology’ is unparalleled. In his book, Regional Sociology (1926), Mukerjee explains the scope of human ecology “as a synoptic study of the balance of plant, animal and human communities, which are systems of correlated working parts in the organization of the region”. The geological, geographical and biological factors worked together to produce an ecological zone. In its turn ecology is conditioned by social, economic or political factors. Ecological balance is not mechanical carving out of a territory and settling people thereon. Such an attempt weakens or destroys social fabric. In case of human beings, cultural norms have a very important ro...


        Shyama Charan Dube belongs to that category of social anthropologist who did not do their master’s or Ph.D. Social change and economic development has been the major theme of his several works like India’s Changing Villages: Human Factors in Community Development (1958). Development is something to which we all aspire, and the ideas about the best means of achieving our own aspirations and needs are potentially as old as human civilisation. Modernization is an all-encompassing and global process of cultural and socio-economic changes whereby developing countries seek to acquire some of the characteristics common to industrially advanced countries. Dube considers the actual structural implications of change as well as the nature of some of the processes of change. In his book on Contemporary India and Its Modernization (1974), Dube deals with subjects as diverse as bureaucracy, leadership, education, planning, and secularism. Dube identifies seve...