
Showing posts from March, 2020


SSTC as an Anti-Sentimental Comedy: Sentimental Comedy- This form becomes popular in 17th century. Sentimental comedy is related to our emotions. It appeals especially to our feelings of sorrow, pity, and compassionate sympathy. Richard Steele was pioneer of sentimental comedy.   Anti-Sentimental comedy is reaction against sentimental comedy. The pioneer of anti-sentimental comedy is Oliver Goldsmith. Oliver Goldsmith writes that the true function of a comedy was to give a humorous exhibition of the follies and vices of men and women and to rectify them by exciting laughter. Goldsmith opposed sentimental comedy because in place of laughter and humor, it provided tears and distressing situations. Generally, it deals with the relations and intrigues of men and women living in sophisticated upper class society. So, it is called comedy of manners. Oliver Goldsmith’s ‘She Stoops to Conquer’ is one of the best examples of anti-sentimental comedy, and follows all the characteri...


“Whoever wishes to attain an English style, familiar but not coarse, and elegant but not ostentatious, must give his days and nights to the volumes of Addison.” ( Samuel Johnson) The spirit of this Revolution, as far as relates to taste and manners, may best be divined by contrasting the English society of the period with the contemporary society of France. The art of conversation, developed by feminine genius, was carried in France to the height of perfection. It is the supreme distinction of Addison, as the chief founder of English essay-writing, to have created in England a school of literary taste which has raised our language almost to a level with the French in elegance and precision. Joseph Addison wrote in almost every genre flourishing in British literature. He wrote elaborately on religion, politics, death, woman and other contemporary issues. Myres, in this connection, says- “It is necessary to study the work of Joseph Addison in close relation to the time in which h...